I left and returned as two different people. And it feels weird to be back. It feels weird to be thrown back into a mold of a life I created blindly and not for my pleasure. And now I have to live in it, and dance in it and smile in it. And the thing is, I don't fit my mold. For some reason, my heart aches. Maybe for the people I met while away, maybe for the person within myself that I left. Maybe for the life I'm about to go live now. Maybe it was for all of this and more. I can tell you one thing, though. I don't really know what is about to happen to me, and who is about to touch me. But I know I'm ready for what I wasn't before this trip. I'm ready for love, I'm ready for friendship. I'm staring at life with big, bright sixteen year old eyes and saying "Bring it on."It's powerful. We are powerful. You, you are the most powerful person to have walked across this breathing earth. Power is between our ribs and in our toes.
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