Thursday, February 21, 2013

My First Title Ever: Life doesn't drown, it saves.

Even the Worst People have
likes, dislikes,
Gods they answer to.
They’ve gotten their heart broken.
They’ve been in tears on the floor,
felt trapped in their bodies,

kissed the wrong person.
They’ve felt bad.

And the very Best People-
they’ve ostracized a person they used to hold
They’ve cut somebody off in traffic.
They’ve broken up with somebody who was still
Very Much
in love with them.
Maybe they even did it on Valentine’s Day.
They’ve stopped praying.
Good People, Bad People, Worst People, Best People,
People, People, People.
We are all People.

People who fail and succeed and hurt and heal.
And sometimes all this in one day.

And sometimes people choose to defend the wrong side and sometimes people stop loving when somebody else just started and sometimes people fail their classes.
Sometimes people don’t wear very put together outfits and sometimes people judge us before they know us and sometimes they don’t.
Sometimes people spit on us and tell us we aren’t deserving of rights and sometimes people stand up and scream about things they know nothing about.
 Sometimes people stop caring when they should continue, even if just for one more day.
 Sometimes people kill themselves and blame it on society.
 Sometimes people forget about God and sometimes people remember her all too well.
 Sometimes people step on other people to get to the top and sometimes somebody really needs to start stepping on some toes to get what they deserve.
Sometimes people think too much about what other people think and forget to live.
Sometimes people forget they are here and pretend they are somewhere else.
Sometimes people put on faces that don’t reflect their feelings and sometimes people wear their feelings on their face.
Sometimes people have bad hair or bad names or bad nails or bad breath.
Sometimes people wear too much of the wrong perfume and sometimes people don’t remember to wear deodorant.
And sometimes people do both- at the same time.
Sometimes people have sex and sometimes people make love.
Sometimes people want God to exist and sometimes people want God to stop showing up. Sometimes people wish they were something else and sometimes people feel fortunate to be who they are. Sometimes people remember the best parts and forget the worst and sometimes it’s the other way around.
Sometimes people clean their houses explicitly even when nobody is coming over and sometimes people show up at the worst times and you haven’t had time to clean the house.
 Sometimes people make friends and sometimes people sit alone.
Sometimes people can’t make it to the party and sometimes people’s lives are so full of nothing that they always do.
Sometimes people stop talking to each other and sometimes they start.
Sometimes people move and sometimes people stay. Sometimes people don’t stop to think about how their actions will affect somebody else until it’s too late.
Sometimes people celebrate Christmas and sometimes they celebrate Hanukah and again, sometimes it’s both.
Sometimes people grow up in New York City and sometimes people grow up in Kentucky. Sometimes people eat healthy and sometimes they eat like shit.
Sometimes people ridicule everyone except themselves and sometimes people will only look at themselves in the mirror and fail to realize that everybody makes mistakes.
Sometimes people learn their lessons late and sometimes people learn their lessons early and sometimes people don’t learn their lessons at all.
Or sometimes people simply fail to acknowledge that everything, really, in the end is just another lesson that they had to learn at some point- and that life will go on, and get better, and change form, and right wrongs, and breed love, and give people hope. Life will go on and it will give us all a reason to hold on- to continue to hope.
Life doesn't drown it saves.

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