I run. I run to get away. I run so that everything terrible is left behind. I run so I don't have to feel. I run so that you aren't in the present tense. I run to feel something other than hurt, disgust, anguish. I run to heal. I run to forget. I run so I cannot care. I run to breathe. I run from weight, calories. I run so that I have nothing to give. I run towards. I run towards perfection, happiness, possibilities. I run to lose and I run to gain. I run to hear. I run to believe. I run to feel. I run. I move forward because its my only option left. I run and I don't look back. But the thing is, you run too. You move forward. You forget me too. You lose me, and gain somebody else- and I hate it. I want you to stay back there, and stop creeping up and coming back in and screwing me up all over again. I need you to leave.
or maybe, i need you to stay. or maybe, i should stop running away.
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