i think we are much too obsessed with death. its always "I want to die a good person" "if i die, who will be at my funeral?" "I would say this and that at so-and-so's funeral" "my true friends will show up at my funeral" why not life? why not "I want to live a good person"? why not "If something goes wrong, who will be there to pick me back up"? why not, "if i could say anything to so-and-so this is what i would say"? why not "My true friends are the ones who will be there to experience the world with me"? who cares about death anyways, because once your out, your out. and there is nothing you can do about it. i know one thing for sure, i don't want to be around people who are preoccupied with death. i don't want people to think that in order to mean something to me, they have to show up at my funeral. my defining moment is not my death, but my life. i want people who will relish in life with me. who will read good books, listen to music, take long road trips. somebody who is willing to breathe every breath with me. somebody who will see the beauty in everything, instead of passing right by it. life is not about death. life is about life. death is "the end" on the last page of the book. what is more important? the story, or the final two words? death is the silence at the end of a song, before the next one starts. but that silence is not what defines the song, the song defines the song. death is when your parked in the drive-way at the end of a road trip. but that last second before opening the car door is not the most important part of the trip. we fail to remember that. and I pledge, that during life I will not think about death. because i have the rest of eternity after death to think about death. while i am living, i will think about life. in the end, that's all we have anyways. is our life. and the lives to follow ours.
beautiful things